Clustering Simulator

Clustering Algorithm

  • Click (and drag) to add datapoints.
  • Hold shift + click to add centroids.
  • After placed, hold shift + click to move centroids.
  • Right click (and drag) to remove datapoints/centroids.
  • Press step for one iteration. Press run to run algorithm continously.
  • Click (and drag) to add datapoints.
  • Right click (and drag) to remove datapoints
  • EPS defines the minimum width between points within clusters (see red key at top of canvs for EPS distance).
  • Min Points defines the minimum number of points within EPS distance around a given point necessary to start forming a cluster.
  • Press step to form one cluster at a time (or if none exist, to classify outliers). Press run to run algorithm continuously.
  • Outliers will turn magenta.